currency fermata series    
  so that's what... you and me...    
  688 miles the essential...    
  game day series tif    
  the water looks great... work archive    


motion graphics, music composition/production/performance
Tomorrow is Forever is an experiment with digital technology, online culture, music, art, videogames, and human nature. Taking a fictional narrative, TiF highlights various patterns surrounding the technology industry and what drives the people who fuel it. Existing for some time as a live music act and performance art group, TiF is part videogame, animation, net-art, and music.
TiF produced a full-length narrative album with an accompanying DVD of animated videos for each song. In the two years that we were an active band, we traveled across the midwest and eastern United States performing the soundtrack live, in sync with the videos.

Illinois State University, 5620 School of Art, 214A Center for the Visual Arts, Normal, IL 61761